a much more complex fabric.The north/south question is very subjective and partlydriven by snobbery. The southern joke is that the north beginsat Watford, a mere thirty miles north of London. As someonefrom the far north east of England, I am bunched togetherwith people from Manchester and Birmingham as "northerners"and yet I have nothing in common with them other thannot being from London. In fact, Birmingham is far closer toLondon than it is to Newcastle. To me, Birmingham is not inthe north of England, being geographically situated less thanhalfway up.If you travel around the UK for any length of time, you willsoon appreciate the differences from one region to another, bothin culture and accent.Sometimes the accents are so different that people from oppositeends of the country (a mere one thousand or so miles) canbarely understand each other. People from Glasgow and Cornwallmight as well be speaking in different languages. There's nota lot I can do to help you here, except warn you that you will befaced with seemingly unintelligible conversation from time totime. Unfortunately, asking the speaker to slow down rarelymakes him or her more intelligible.Bear in mind also that most Brits are only used to hearing thegeneric American accent of TV shows. You may think you don'thave an accent, but the look on people's faces when you talk tothem will soon set you straight. If you know you have a heavy accent,save yourself hours of repetition and slow down! Havingsaid that, be prepared to repeat yourself when addressing someonefor the first time. They're usually concentrating more on thefact that you have a strange accent than on the words you're using.On some occasions you'll even see the mouth drop open afew inches.Unlike Americans, the Brits don't really pay a lot of attentionto their ancestry, since most of them have lived in the samecountry for many generations. If you say you're Italian or Irish,but are speaking with an undeniable American accent, there'll bea look or two of skepticism from any Brits around. If you have astrong southern accent, but say you're from New York, expectsome confusion or disbelief. That's because if you ask a Britwhere she's from, you'll likely be told her birthplace rather thanwhere she lives now.Often, the regions, cities, and their inhabitants have nicknames,which are used regularly in the UK:
• Birmingham—the people are called "Brummies" and the accent is "Brummy." Birmingham is sometimes referred to as "Brum."The area around Birmingham is also known as the Black Country
• The Black Country—comprises the areas north and west of Birmingham, but not Birmingham itself.
• Blighty—nickname for England, from the Hindu bilayati meaning "foreign."
• The Broads, or Norfolk Broads—a stretch of very flat land in the county of Norfolk, near the seaside town of Great Yarmouth, on the east coast.
• Channel Isles—off the French coast of Normandy, in the English Channel; they comprise Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, Herm, and a handful of smaller islands.
• Glasgow (by the way, it's pronounced "Glazzgo," not "Glass Cow")—the people are Glaswegians ("Glazweejans"), and their accent is unintelligible. (Just kidding!)
• Home Counties—refers to the counties surrounding London,
whence many people commute into the City.
• The Lakes—the Lake District, on the northwest border of England and Scotland.
• London (which is a city, not a town)—the residents are generally known as Londoners, although you can call yourself a Cockney if you were born within the sound of Bow Bells. St. Mary-le-Bow Church (or Bow Church) is situated in Cheapside. London is sometimes referred to as "The Smoke."
• Manchester—there you'll find Mancunians (hard "c"); their accent is Mancunian.
• Newcastle-upon-Tyne—The people are called Geordies ("Jordies") and they have a Geordie accent. The region is Tyneside.
• The Peak District—an area in the middle of England, between Sheffield and Manchester; a favorite of walkers and nature lovers.
• The Potteries—a group of small towns in Staffordshire making up Stoke-on-Trent.
• The Shetlands and the Orkneys—small groups of remote islands off the northern tip of Scotland.
• The Western Isles—remote islands off the west coast of Scotland.
regional names or nicknames will be totally foreign to them.These include Cajun, Canuck, Cheesehead, Creole, Hoozier,Polack, redneck, wet back, and any references to Native Americans
or the Mason-Dixon line. Also, since there are not as manySpanish speakers living in the UK, assume that most Brits won'tknow even a few words in Spanish—French, German, or Latin,
perhaps, but not Spanish!
Welsh, Gaelic, or Cornish, and any attempt at pronunciation willbe painful to you and the locals. It's best to do what every othervisitor does—ask or point!Most Welsh places beginning with "double ell" are impossibleto attempt unassisted. Best bet is to have a few lessons from afriendly, Welsh-speaking native—in the pub if possible. It's afantastic language to listen to and your attempts will providehours of mirth to you and your coach. I lived in Wales as a smallchild, and I'm just glad the place was called Criccieth.
You might thank me for these pointers:
• "Ford"—Names of places with "ford" in them are truncated.
• "Ham"—Brits more or less ignore the "-ham" found at the end of many place names. Birmingham is pronounced "Birming'm." Nottingham becomes "Notting'm." Other examples include Fulham in London (Full'm), Durham (Dur'm), and Dagenham (Dagen'm).
• "Shire"—Any county (and they are all counties) that ends with "-shire" is not pronounced that way. For example, most people pronounce "Leicestershire" as "Lestershu" or "Lestersha"; Yorkshire is pronounced "Yorkshu" or "Yorksha." (Basically, what I'm trying to do here is to cut short the sound of the "shire" part.) Confusingly, sometimes the "shire" is pronounced more like "sheer." "Wich"—Unfortunately, place names ending in "-wich" can either have the "w" pronounced—or not. I can help you out with a few of them, but others will no doubt trip you up. Greenwich, in London, is pronounced "Grenidge," while the Aldwych is the "Aldwidge." Sandwich, in Kent, is pronounced like the one you eat. "Wick"—Most names ending in "-wick" have a silent "w." Berwick and Alnwick, both near the English/Scottish border, are pronounced "Berrick" and "Annick." Warwick is "Warrick," and Chiswick in London is "Chizzick." Berkshire is pronounced "Barkshu" or "Barksha." Its real name is Royal Berkshire, but people usually drop the royal bit. You'll also hear it simply referred to as Berks (pronounced "Barks") from time to time. Derby and Derbyshire—Pronounced "Darby" and "Darbyshu" or "Darbysha." Edinburgh—The "G" in this word is silent. People say "Edinbura" or "Edinbru"; either would be understood. What you tend not to hear is "Edinburrow." Glasgow—Pronounced "Glazz Go" as opposed to "Glass Cow." I hate to be picky about this, but it drives the natives crazy. Gloucester and Gloucestershire—pronounced "Gloster" and "Glostershu/Glostersha." Definitely not "Glowsestershire." Hampshire—This, you'll be pleased to learn, is pronounced as you'd expect; don't forget to truncate the "shire," though. Some people will say they live in Hants instead of Hampshire. Don't ask me where the "n" comes from. Similarly, Northamptonshire is often called North Hants. Hertford and Hertfordshire—Both are pronounced as in "heart." Don't forget not to say "ford" but "fd." If you can pronounce Herfordshire correctly, you've been paying attention. It would be pronounced "Hartfdsha"! Again, you might hear someone saying they live in Herts (pronounced "Hearts"), and this would also be Hertfordshire.
• Loughborough is pronounced "Luffbura."
• Slough is pronounced "Slow," rhyming with "cow."
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